
Rumour: Sale of the Richmond Rd Convent?

The local rumour grist has it that the Soeurs de la Visitation property on Richmond Road may be up for sale for as high as $10 million. This would be the long gray wall in Westboro directly across from the old Canadian Tire lot, now home to Ashcroft's impending 101 Richmond condos.

Being a long time resident of the neighbourhood, I for one would miss the sisters and the character their spiritual oasis lends the burgh, but more progressive types feel it is high time that we brought down the walls and opened up this prime development lot:

Reading through the City's planning bible (no pun intended, really), it seems that they too are leaning in this direction and possibly know something the rest of don't:

"Should the Soeurs de la Visitation Convent site be redeveloped sometime in the future, the convent wall should be taken down and the convent building be adaptively used, with mixed- use/ground floor commercial along Richmond and residential behind, incorporating as much of the existing landscaping as possible and views of the convent building."