While other projects scream "SOLD OUT" for months (and months) on end, Claridge has gone ahead and started construction on Tribeca with less than 50% of units sold. Amazing.
Given all the hype and anticipation leading up to the launch of this project, one wonders if Claridge didn't become complacent in their actual sales effort, banking on location alone to seduce buyers. The whole urban/NYC theme of this project speaks to a different style than Claridge is known for, and I for one would have liked to have seen some effort put into staging a floor model… as in "show me, I'm from Missouri".
Instead I found the recycled sales centre underwhelming, replete with tired graphics and bored staff who were all but chewing gum. Not exactly the way to convince a would-be buyer to write a cheque for $50,000 so it's just as well they've broken ground and are getting this project underway. As the saying goes: "If you build it, they will come". (Yes, a slight misquote, but close enough...)